Meditation Pack

Access deep states of meditation.
Access true awareness. Connect with your spirituality.
Center your mind for spiritual growth.
Increase concentration. Strengthen focus.
Fill your heart and mind with happy loving energy
  • Duration: 30 Minutes x 4
  • Purchased separately: $39.96
  • Price:$29.94

Product Description

The meditation pack contains 4 30-minute meditations, each designed to contribute to the creation of a happier, healthier, more loving state of mind

God Consciousness creates a divine connection between you and the universe, helping you cultivate a stronger, more spiritual connection with Mother Nature and all sentient beings. Once you emerge from this deep Theta wave meditation, you will blend back into the world with a peaceful oneness that radiates positive energy throughout every aspect of your life.

Crystal Clear Mind is the perfect remedy for a troubled mind worn down by the stress, striving and grasping that leaves us feeling fragmented and negative. This meditation will help you rest in a state of peaceful, contemplative awareness, a state that when accessed on a regular basis creates a permanently less stressed, less anxious, healthier mind.

Deep Concentration is ideal for times when you’re struggling to maintain consistent focus and productivity. By triggering the brainwaves to move into the low Alpha state, Deep Concentration lowers your sensitivity to the disturbance of external distraction and mental chatter, enabling you to access the ‘zen-zone’ and concentrate with intense focus during any task.

Love Attraction opens your mind and soul to cultivate a deep, loving connection with the world. Set over a calming backdrop of natural ambience, the track uses a Theta and Alpha wave blueprint to reach deep into your subconscious and create an altered state of consciousness that will recenter your appreciation for the beauty of existence. When you have finished listening, you will feel replenished with love and happiness, an energy that will overflow into your interactions through the day, attracting an abundance of positive encounters.

See also

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