Product Description
Lucid Dreams brings the listener into the realm of the dream state, or the "hypnagogic state", to use the technical term. A Lucid Dream is when a dreamer either enters dreaming fully aware, or when he/she becomes aware within a regular dream, and is often likened to an out of "body experience" (OBE).
The phrase "Lucid Dreaming" was invented by the Dutch psychiatrist and writer Frederik Van Eeden, whose research showed that in a Lucid Dream the dreamer could often exert some degree of control over their participation within the dream, or be able to manipulate their imaginary experiences in the dream environment.
Lucid Dreams has been created with dream inducing properties that grip your imagination and open the door to a new world that surpasses physical existence. Allow the sweeping synths and oscillating sound FX to dance with your third eye as you take your awareness into your dreams.
Studies strongly suggest that the easiest time to have a Lucid Dream is upon waking in the morning. The idea is to fall back into a nap-like state while your dream-mind is still active. We therefore recommend that you listen to this meditation just after waking in the morning, when you're still half-asleep.
NOTE: Lucid dreaming has been researched scientifically, and inducing this state is considered safe, although be aware that Lucid Dreams can be very real and vivid.