The path to self-improvement
starts with self-awareness - the ability to have a clear understanding of your
personality, strengths, values, weaknesses, motivations and emotions. Self-awareness allows you to control your
destiny. The awareness of why you do what you do helps you develop the process
that will move you forward. Where you
focus your behavior, thoughts and emotions determines the direction your life
will take.
When I was in college I took
a swimming class. The professor made a
statement that has stayed with me to this day.
As we were learning new swimming styles she said we had to know what our
body was doing. We had to be aware of
how our legs, arms and breathing were all moving to make sure they were working
together. This awareness would propel us
through the water efficiently and effectively.
How to Create Unbreakable Self-Awareness
This working together of all
the parts isn’t learned from a book. It’s
a skill we have to practice, by staying aware and making a concerted effort to create
a necessary change mid-stream. Changes in your behavior is easier if you catch
them in the early stage before your emotions and thoughts have taken over.
STEP 1: Define Your Core Values
What are the
five most important things about you?
Yes you may be a hard worker or a good parent, but dig deeper. Is it honesty, creativity, integrity, joy,
faith, that is important to you? These
core values are the net you can fall back on when a trying event occurs. Go a
step further and write a short personal mission statement with your top five
core values.
STEP 2: Keep a Journal
One of the most effective ways I have found
to keep me on track is to write daily. In addition to other thoughts, I write
down at least three items that went really well for me and the at least one
opportunity for improvement. Go even
further and;
STEP 3: Engage in Self-Reflection
As I look at
the events that didn’t quite go as well as they could, how could I have turned
that into a victory? Cut off in traffic
– instead of engaging in a bout of road rage, breath and think about why this
event made you angry? Are you late for
work? Just had a fight with your
spouse? Is the way you are about to handle
this event congruent with your core values?
STEP 4: Write Your Own Manifesto
A manifesto is defined as a declaration of
one’s beliefs, opinions, motives and intentions. It’s simply a written
statement that declares what is important to you. Incorporate your core values and your
personal mission statement into your manifesto.
STEP 5: Keep Engaging in Self-Awareness Exercises
Make this a habit and strengthen your
self-awareness muscle. Surround yourself
with people who encourage your exploration into self-awareness.
STEP 6: Take Care of Yourself
Exercise and proper nutrition feed our body
and keep us alert. When we feel our best it’s easier to be positive.
Life is a journey not a destination. As you delve more into your own awareness you
will discover your authenticity and what is really important to you. Over time you can evaluate your core values
and where you are with your job, relationships, etc. and adjust.
I know today I am a different person than I
was twenty years ago. Being able to let go of the things in my life that don’t
fit anymore was instrumental in me making substantial improvement in my life.
Shelly Drymon is a writer, blogger and public
speaker. She is the author of the
weekly newsletter Sunday Morning Coffee With Shelly. You can find her at her website.
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